The Mommy and Me Self Photos

As a mom, it is always a challenge to get in front of the camera. Typically I am the one who a) thinks to grab the camera and b) am the one behind the camera! Yet the irony is mom is usually the one spending most of the time with their little one. So how can I create more opportunities to have some “mommy and me” photos?

Here’s a trick I learned! Most high-end cameras have a video function. It’s not something I use all the time, but I’m getting better at experimenting with it! I set my camera on a tripod and put it on the highest quality video. I set where I am going to sit and set my focus. If you have the option to film at 60 fps instead of 30 fps (giving the “slo-mo” effect) it is even better.

I import my video into Adobe Lightroom, and as you view the footage you can “capture frame”. Voila! You have a photo. I only spend a few minutes in front of the camera and end up with some decent “photos”! They may not be perfect and are a little grainy, but it will be something my little one can look back and see photos with his mommy at this adorable and cute stage of life! And I can do this on my own time without bugging anyone to “take our picture!”

I turned a lot of them black and white to make up for the softer focus and grain.

This could also work well if you want some fun couple photos too or even to get some “selfies” without the outstretched arm in the photo!