Asia Series: Bangkok

After Bhutan we headed to Bangkok for a week.  My comrades had work training during the day, so I got to explore on my own! We stayed at a very funky and cool hotel- the Indigo.  Great happy hour and great rooftop infinity pool! 2015-12-08_0008 2015-12-08_0009 2015-12-08_0010

We did a night bike tour through a beautiful flower market2015-12-08_0038 2015-12-08_0039 The city was getting ready for the king's birthday (the day after I left!)2015-12-08_0040 2015-12-08_0041 2015-12-08_0044

Thai massages at Bhawa.  Worth. every. penny.  WOW. 2015-12-08_0087 2015-12-08_0088 The Jim Thompson House was incredibly interesting!2015-12-08_0089 2015-12-08_0090 2015-12-08_0091

The malls in Bangkok are quite lavish.  This mall had an entire "Sea Life" at the bottom of it!2015-12-08_0002 2015-12-08_0003 2015-12-08_0004 2015-12-08_0005 2015-12-08_0006

Ranch Series: Mormon Row Barns

This is the final post for the Ranch series!  One of my favorite places to visit each year is Mormon Row.  These are old Mormon homesteads from the early settlers near the turn of the 19th century.  The old barns and amazing backdrop serve as one of the most popular photographed places in Grand Teton, and you can see why!  Some of the houses are still occupied, and we caught the attention of some of the horses on the property!IMG_8104 IMG_8109 IMG_8114-HDR IMG_8123-HDR IMG_8133-HDR IMG_8149 IMG_8151-HDR IMG_8163 IMG_8167-HDR IMG_8170-HDR IMG_8176 IMG_8177 IMG_8196-HDR IMG_8199-HDR IMG_8221 IMG_8242 IMG_8244 IMG_8252 IMG_8260 IMG_8270 IMG_8281 IMG_8304-HDR IMG_8311 IMG_8316 IMG_8318 IMG_8338